About us

A quick presentation of the company's founders

Who We Are
Ilias Anagnostopoulos
Strategy Department
Vasiliki Grammatika
Innovation & Growth Department

Nikolaos Koutsios

Media Department
Marinos Simatos
Creative Department
Ilias Anagnostopoulos - Strategy Department

“Undoubtedly, without a strategic plan there is no a long-term future for a company! It is vital to gather constantly the required information in order to have a spherical and integrative picture about the business’ status in this competitive landscape, which task I personally find really intriguing due to the action needed. You have to be attentive not ignoring any aspect and taking into consideration a plethora of factors, both internal and external. In that way, the success is guaranteed!”

Vasiliki Grammatika –
Innovation & Growth Department

“Innovation is the only way up for a business’ growth. This is the department, in which all kinds of ideas arise, are discussed and eventually, if they meet our expectations, are made marketable. In my opinion, communication is a key and that’s why I strongly believe that everyone’s point of view-input is welcome, thus we as a team embrace «brainstorming». By researching the market, collecting and connecting ideas given, we will be able to foresee any possible converting that might occur and in doing so our team’s “performance” compared to other companies will be outstanding, even as a start-up.”

Nikolaos Koutsios – Media Department

“I'm in charge of the media role, not only because I'm hugely interested in media, but also because Communication through media plays a huge role in everyone's life, including myself and my role will give me the opportunity to practice communication skills”

Marinos Simatos - Creative Department

“I have always enjoyed adding colour and shaping ideas through their adequate presentation. I am a strong believer in the notion that wants people to make their first impressions of a project based on how it looks and how it is set up. I also believe that art has a place in the presentation of every topic no matter how serious or not it may seem. It has been part of human communication for millennia and I would like to keep it that way”

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